External and internal diffusion effects

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Steps in a heterogeneous catalytic reaction

Diffusion effects

  • Industrial reactions at high temperature

    • Limited by the rate of mass transfer between bulk fluid and the catalytic surface.
  • Mass transfer

    • Any process in which diffusion plays a role.
    • Rate laws cannot be applied directly.
    • Need to consider fluid velocity and fluid properties while writing molar balances.

External mass transfer

External mass transfer

Internal mass transfer

Diffusion: definitions

  • Molar flux with no diffusion

    W_{Az} = \frac{C_A \upsilon}{A_C} = \frac{F_{Az}}{A_C}

    \frac{\text{mol}}{\text{m}^2 \cdot \text{s}} \qquad \frac{\text{mol}}{\cancel{\text{m}^3}} \cdot \frac{\cancel{\text{m}^3}}{\text{s}} \cdot \frac{1}{\text{m}^2}

    • F_{Az}: Uniform at a given cross section (plug flow assumption)
  • Diffusion

    • Spontaneous intermingling or mixing of atoms or molecules by random thermal motion.
    • Gives rise to the motion of species relative to the motion of the mixture.
    • From regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration in the absence of other gradients.
    • Diffusion results in a molar flux of the species (A), W_A (moles/area time), in the direction of the concentration gradient.

    W_A = i W_{Ax} + j W_{Ay} + k W_{Az} \qquad \text{[Rectangular coordinates]}

\Rightarrow Need to develop mole balance that incorporates both diffusion and reaction.

Mole balance in rectangular coordinates

Mole balance in rectangular coordinates

\begin{aligned} & \left[ \text{molar flow rate in} \right]_z -& \left[ \text{molar flow rate out} \right]_{z+\Delta z} \\ +& \left[ \text{molar flow rate in} \right]_y -& \left[ \text{molar flow rate out} \right]_{y+\Delta y} \\ +& \left[ \text{molar flow rate in} \right]_x -& \left[ \text{molar flow rate out} \right]_{x+\Delta x} \\ +& \left[ \text{rate of generation} \right] \\ =& \left[ \text{rate of accumulation} \right] \end{aligned}

\begin{aligned} & \Delta x \Delta y W_{Az} \bigg|_z & -& \Delta x \Delta y W_{Az} \bigg|_{z+\Delta z} & +\Delta x \Delta z W_{Ay} \bigg|_y & -& \Delta x \Delta z W_{Ay} \bigg|_{y+\Delta y} \\ & +\Delta z \Delta y W_{Ax} \bigg|_x & -& \Delta z \Delta y W_{Ax} \bigg|_{x+\Delta x} & +r_A \Delta x \Delta y \Delta z & =& \Delta x \Delta y \Delta z \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t} \end{aligned}

  • Differential Form:

    Dividing by \Delta x \Delta y \Delta z and taking the limit as they go to zero:

\frac{\partial W_{Ax}}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial W_{Ay}}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial W_{Az}}{\partial z} + r_A = \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t}

Molar Flux

  • W_A: Total molar flux of species A
    • J_A: Molecular diffusion flux relative to bulk motion of fluid due to concentration gradient
    • B_A: Flux resulting from bulk motion of fluid

W_A = J_A + B_A

  • B_A: = y_A \left( \sum W_i \right)
    • \sum W_i: Total flux of all molecules
    • y_A: mole fraction of A
  • For A \rightarrow B (two-component system):

W_A = J_A + y_A \left( W_A + W_B \right) = J_A + C_A U

Fick’s law

  • Describes how molar diffusive flux is related to the concentration gradient.

  • Fourier’s Law (thermal conduction)

    q = -k_t \nabla T;\quad k_t: \text{thermal conductivity}

    \nabla = i \frac{\partial}{\partial x} + j \frac{\partial}{\partial y} + k \frac{\partial}{\partial z}

  • For Mass Transfer: Fick’s Law

    J_A = -D_{AB} \nabla C_A

    • D_{AB}: Diffusivity of A in B (m^2/s)
  • W_A = -D_{AB} \nabla C_A + C_A U

  • In One Dimension

W_{Az} = -D_{AB} \frac{dC_A}{dz} + C_A U_z

Evaluating Molar Flux

  • A diffusing in B

    W_A = -D_{AB} \nabla C_A + y_A (W_A + W_B)

  • Equimolar Counter Diffusion (EMCD)

    W_A = -W_B \qquad W_A = J_A = -D_{AB} \nabla C_A

  • Species A Diffusing Through Stagnant Species B ( W_B = 0; W_A = J_A + y_A W_A )

    • Solid boundary with adjacent stagnant fluid layer

    W_A = \frac{J_A}{1 - y_A} = -\frac{D_{AB} \nabla C_A}{1 - y_A}; \qquad W_A = -D_{AB} C \nabla \ln (1 - y_A)

  • Bulk Flow of A \gg Molecular Diffusion (plug flow model)

    W_A = B_A = y_A (W_A + W_B) = C_A U

Evaluating Molar Flux

  • Small Bulk Flow J_A \gg B_A

    W_A = -D_{AB} \nabla C_A = J_A

  • Knudsen Diffusion

    • Occurs in porous catalyst where diffusing molecule collides more often with catalyst walls/pore walls than with each other.

      W_A = J_A = -D_k \nabla C_A

    • D_k: Knudsen diffusivity

  • Diffusion and convective transport: F_{Az} = W_{Az} A_C

    • F_{Az}: molar flow rate of A in z direction; W_{Az}: molar flux in z; A_C: cross-sectional area normal to flow

    W_{Az} = -D_{Az} \frac{dC_A}{dz} + C_A U_z

    F_{Az} = W_{Az} A_C = \left[ -D_{Az} \frac{dC_A}{dz} + C_A U_z \right] A_C

    • Similar expressions for F_{Ay} and F_{Ax}.

Mole balance in rectangular coordinates

  • Substituting expressions for F_{Az}, F_{Ay}, and F_{Ax} in mole balance

D_{AB} \left[ \frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial y^2} + \frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial z^2} \right] - u_x \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial x} - u_y \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial y} - u_z \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial z} + r_A = \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t}

  • In one dimension:

D_{AB} \frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial z^2} - U_z \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial z} + r_A = \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t}

  • Boundary conditions

    • Concentration at boundary: @ z = 0 \rightarrow C_A = C_{A0}; @ z = L \rightarrow \frac{dC_A}{dz} = 0

    • Specify flux at the boundary

      • No mass transfer W_A = 0

      • Molar flux at surface = rate of reaction at surface

        W_A|_{surface} = -r''|_{surface}

      • Molar flux to boundary = convective transport across boundary layer

        W_A|_{boundary} = k_c (C_{Ab} - C_{As})

Temperature and pressure dependence of D_{AB}

Phase cm^2/s m^2/s Temperature and pressure dependences
- Bulk 10^{-1} 10^{-5} D_{AB}(T_2, P_2) = D_{AB}(T_1, P_1) \frac{P_1}{P_2} \left( \frac{T_2}{T_1} \right)^{1.75}
- Knudsen 10^{-2} 10^{-6} D_{AB}(T_2) = D_{A}(T_1) \left( \frac{T_2}{T_1} \right)^{1/2}
Liquid 10^{-5} 10^{-9} D_{AB}(T_2) = D_{AB}(T_1) \frac{\mu_1}{\mu_2} \left( \frac{T_2}{T_1} \right)
Solid 10^{-9} 10^{-13} D_{AB}(T_2) = D_{AB}(T_1) \exp \left[ \frac{E_D}{R} \left( \frac{T_2 - T_1}{T_1 T_2} \right) \right]
  • \mu_1, \mu_2 are the liquid viscosities at temperatures T_1 and T_2 respectively.
  • E_D is the diffusion activation energy.
  • Knudsen, liquid, and solid D_{AB} are independent of P.

Modeling diffusion with chemical reaction

  • Diffusion of species through stagnant film in which no reaction takes place
  • A reacts instantaneously upon reaching the surface C_{As} \approx 0
  • Rate of diffusion through stagnant film = rate of reaction on the surface


  1. Perform differential mole balance \rightarrow Equation for W_{Az}
  2. Replace W_{Az} by appropriate expression for concentration gradient
  3. State boundary conditions
  4. Solve for concentration profile
  5. Solve for molar flux

Diffusion through a stagnant film

  • Flow Past a Single Catalytic Pellet

    • Reaction takes place only on external catalyst surface and not in fluid surrounding it.
  • Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer: Distance from solid object to where the fluid velocity is 99% of the bulk velocity U_0.

  • Mass Transfer Boundary Layer: Distance at which concentration of diffusing species is 99% of the bulk concentration.

    • We cannot measure \delta.

Diffusion through a stagnant film

  • Assumption:
    • Fluid layer next to solid as stagnant film (hypothetical) of thickness \delta.
    • All the resistance to mass transfer is within the film.
    • Properties at the outer edge of the film are identical to those of bulk fluid.
  • For film thickness \ll radius of pellet:
    • Curvature effects can be neglected
    • Problem reduces to 1D diffusion.

\begin{align*} &\text{In} &-& \text{Out} &+& \text{Generation} &=& \text{Accumulation} \\ &W_{Az}\big|_z &-& W_{Az}\big|_{z + \Delta z} &+& 0 &=& 0 \end{align*}

Diffusion through a stagnant film

  • Dividing by \Delta z and taking the limit as \Delta z \to 0 \frac{dW_{Az}}{dz} = 0

  • For diffusion through stagnant film at dilute concentrations,

    J_A \gg y_A (W_A + W_B)

W_{Az} = -D_{AB} \frac{dC_A}{dz} \quad \text{(also for EMCD)}

  • Therefore, mole balance becomes

\frac{d^2C_A}{dz^2} = 0

  • Boundary Conditions (BCs)
    • At z = 0, C_A = C_{As}; At z = \delta, C_A = C_{Ab}

Diffusion through a stagnant film

  • Integrating twice C_A = k_1z + k_2 \implies C_{As} = k_2 \quad \text{and} \quad \left( \frac{C_{Ab} - C_{As}}{\delta} \right) = k_1

  • Substituting BCs

C_A = C_{As} + \left( C_{Ab} - C_{As} \right) \frac{z}{\delta}

  • Surface Flux

W_{Az}\bigg|_{\delta} = -D_{AB} \frac{dC_A}{dz} \bigg|_{\delta}

W_{Az} = \frac{D_{AB}}{\delta} \left[ C_{Ab} - C_{As} \right]

  • At steady state: \text{Flux of A to the surface} = \text{Rate of reaction of A on surface}

The mass transfer coefficient

k_c = \frac{D_{AB}}{\delta}

  • Average molar flux from the bulk fluid to the surface

W_{Az} = k_c (C_{Ab} - C_{As})

W_{Az} = \text{Flux} = \frac{\text{Driving force}}{\text{Resistance}} = \frac{C_{Ab} - C_{As}}{\left(\frac{1}{k_c}\right)}

  • The mass transfer coefficient is found by experimentation

  • Correlations analogous to what one finds for a heat transfer coefficient.

    Sh = 2 + 0.6 Re^{1/2} Sc^{1/3} \qquad \text{ Frössling correlation }

    Sh = \frac{k_c L}{D_{AB}} ;\quad Sc = \frac{\nu}{D_{AB}} = \frac{\mu}{\rho D_{AB}} ;\quad Re = \frac{UL}{\nu} = \frac{UL\rho}{\mu}

Mass transfer–limited reactions in packed beds

\left[ \text{Molar rate in} \right] - \left[ \text{Molar rate out} \right] \\ + \left[ \text{Molar rate of generation} \right] = \left[ \text{Molar rate of accumulation} \right]

  • In one dimension at steady state

F_{Az} \bigg|_z - F_{Az} \bigg|_{z+\Delta z} + r''_A c (A_c \Delta z) = 0

  • Dividing by A_c \Delta z and taking the limit as \Delta z \to 0

-\frac{1}{A_c} \left( \frac{dF_{Az}}{dz} \right) + r''_A c = 0

Mass transfer–limited reactions in packed beds

  • Express F_{Az} and r'' in terms of concentration

F_{Az} = A_c W_{Az} = (J_{Az} + B_{Az}) A_c

  • In almost all situations involving flow in packed-bed reactors, the amount of material transported by diffusion or dispersion in the axial direction is negligible compared with that transported by convection (i.e., bulk flow)

  • Neglecting dispersion as J_{Az} \ll B_{Az}

    F_{Az} = A_c W_{Az} = A_c B_{Az} = U_c A_c

    -\frac{d(CU)}{dz} + r''_A c = 0

  • For constant superficial velocity

-U\frac{dC}{dz} + r''_A c = 0

Mass transfer–limited reactions in packed beds

  • The boundary condition at the external surface is

    -r''_A = W_{Ar} = k_c (C_A - C_{As})

    -U\frac{dC}{dz} - k_c a_c (C_A - C_{As}) = 0

    -U\frac{dC}{dz} = k_c a_c (C_A - C_{As})

  • In most mass transfer-limited reactions, the surface concentration is negligible with respect to the bulk concentration (C_A \gg C_{As})

    -U\frac{dC}{dz} = k_c a_c C_A

  • At z = 0, C_A = C_{A0}

\frac{C_A}{C_{A0}} = \exp \left( - \frac{k_c a_c}{U} z \right ) ;\qquad \ln \frac{1}{1-X} = \frac{k_c a_c}{U} L

Diffusion and reactions in homogeneous systems

  • When reactants must diffuse inside a catalyst pellet in order to react
    • The concentration at the pore mouth must be higher than that inside the pore.
    • Entire catalyst surface is not accessible to the same concentration
    • The rate of reaction to vary throughout the pellet.

Diffusion and Reaction in Homogeneous Systems

  • Mole balance on species A for 1D diffusion at steady state

-\frac{dW_{Az}}{dz} + r_A = 0

W_{Az} = -D_{AB} \frac{dC_A}{dz}

D_{AB} \frac{d^2 C_A}{dz^2} + r_A = 0

  • Applications

    • Medicine
    • Cancer treatment using drug-laced particulates
    • Tissue engineering
  • Effective diffusivity

    D_e = \frac{D_{AB} \phi_p \sigma_c}{\tilde{\tau}} ;\qquad W_{Az} = -D_{e} \frac{dC_A}{dz}

  • The effective diffusivity accounts for the fact that:

    • Not all of the area normal to the direction of the flux is available (i.e., the area occupied by solids) for the molecules to diffuse, (porosity, \phi_p)
    • The paths are tortuous (tortuosity, \tilde{\tau})
    • The pores are of varying cross-sectional areas (Constriction factor, \sigma_c)

Diffusion and reactions in spherical catalyst pellets

  • Consider irreversible isomerization reaction \ce{A -> B}

  • The reaction occurs on the surface of pore walls within a spherical pellet of radius R.

  • Assumptions

    • Steady state; spherical coordinates
    • Constant pressure and temperature conditions
  • Steady state mole balance on a spherical shell r \rightarrow r + \Delta r

\begin{align*} (\text{In at } r) &-& (\text{Out at } r + \Delta r) &+& (\text{Generation within } \Delta r) &=& 0 \\ (W_{Ar} 4 \pi r^2 |_r) &-& (W_{Ar} 4 \pi r^2 |_{ r + \Delta r }) &+& (r'_A \rho_c 4 \pi r_m^2 \Delta r) &=& 0 \end{align*}

  • Dividing by -4 \pi \Delta r and taking limit as \Delta r \rightarrow 0

\frac{d(W_{Ar}r^2)}{dr} - r'_A \rho_c r^2 = 0

Diffusion and reactions in spherical catalyst pellets

  • W_{Ar} = -D_{e} \frac{dC_A}{dr}

    \frac{-D_e (dC_A/dr) r^2}{dr} - r^2 \rho_c r'_A = 0

  • Reaction rate {r'_A = k_n C_A^n}

    • per unit surface area -r''_A
    • per unit mass of catalyst -r'_A = S_a (-r''_A)
    • per unit volume -r_A = \rho_c (-r'_A) = \rho_c S_a (-r''_A)

\frac{d^2 C_A}{dr^2} + \frac{2}{r} \left( \frac{dC_A}{dr} \right) - \frac{k_n}{D_e} C_A^n = 0

  • Boundary conditions

    • At the center of pellet: at r = 0, C_A is finite
    • At the external surface: at r = R, C_A = C_{As}

Diffusion and reactions in spherical catalyst pellets

  • Dimensionless form

    \psi = \frac{C_A}{C_{As}}; \quad \lambda = \frac{r}{R}

  • Boundary conditions

    • At \lambda = 0, \psi is finite
    • At \lambda = 1, \psi = 1

\frac{d^2 \psi}{d \lambda^2} + \frac{2}{\lambda} \left( \frac{d \psi}{d \lambda} \right) - \phi^2 \psi^n = 0

  • Thiele modulus

\phi_n^2 = \frac{k_n R^{2} C_{As}^{n-1}}{D_e} = \frac{k_n R C_{As}^n}{D_e \left( \frac{C_{As} - 0}{R} \right)} \quad = \frac{\text{``a'' surface reaction rate}}{\text{``a'' diffusion rate}}

  • When the Thiele modulus is large, internal diffusion usually limits the overall rate of reaction; when \phi_n is small, the surface reaction is usually rate-limiting.

Diffusion and reactions in spherical catalyst pellets

  • Dimensionless concentration profile

\psi = \frac{C_A}{C_{As}} = \frac{1}{\lambda} \left( \frac{ \sinh \phi_1 \lambda }{ \sinh \phi_1 } \right )

The internal effectiveness factor

  • The magnitude of the effectiveness factor (ranging from 0 to 1) indicates the relative importance of diffusion and reaction limitations.

\eta = \frac{\text{Actual overall rate of reaction}}{ \begin{array}{c} \text{Rate of reaction that would result if entire} \\ \text{interior surface were exposed to the external} \\ \text{pellet surface conditions } C_{As}, T_s \end{array} }

  • Overall (observed) rate

\eta = \frac{-r_A}{-r_{As}} = \frac{-r'_A}{-r'_{As}} = \frac{-r''_A}{-r''_{As}}

  • Effectiveness factor for first order reaction spherical pellet

\eta = \frac{3}{\phi_1^2} \left( \phi_1 \coth \phi_1 -1 \right)

  • Reaction rate -r_A = \eta (k_1 C_{As})
  • If \phi_1 < 2: \eta \approx \frac{3}{\phi_1^2}[\phi_1 -1]

  • If \phi_1 > 20: \eta \approx \frac{3}{\phi_1^2}

The internal effectiveness factor

The internal effectiveness factor

Determination of limiting situations from reaction- rate data

  • Reaction rate per unit mass of catalyst -r'_A = k_c a_c C_A

    k_c \propto \frac{U^{1/2}}{d_p^{1/2}} ; \qquad a_c \propto \frac{1}{d_p}

  • For external mass transfer–limited reaction

-r'_A \propto \frac{U^{1/2}}{d_p^{3/2}}

Type of Limitation Velocity Particle Size Temperature
External diffusion U^{1/2} (d_p)^{-3/2} \approx Linear
Internal diffusion Independent (d_p)^{-1} Exponential
Surface reaction Independent Independent Exponential