Isothermal reactor design

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Power law model

  • Dependence of -r_A on concentration of species present (f(C_j)) is almost always determined by experimental observations.

  • Functional dependence on concentration may be postulated by theory

    \Rightarrow Experiments are required to confirm the proposed form

  • Power law model is most common general forms of the rate law

    -r_A = k_A C_A^\alpha C_B^\beta

  • Order of reaction: the powers to which the concentrations are raised

    • The reaction is \alpha order with respect to A and \beta order with respect to B.
    • Overall order of reaction n = \alpha + \beta.
  • k_A: Specific reaction rate

    \text{Units of } k_A = \frac{\text{(conc)}^{1-n}}{\text{time}}

Flow systems

  • Form of stoichiometric table is virtually identical to batch systems

  • Replace N_{j0} by F_{j0}

  • Replace N_{j} by F_{j}

Stoichiometric table: flow systems

Species Feed rate to reactor (mol/time) Change within reactor (mol/time) Effluent rate from reactor (mol/time)
A F_{A0} -F_{A0}X F_A = F_{A0} - F_{A0}X
B F_{B0} -(b/a)F_{A0}X F_B = F_{B0} -(b/a)F_{A0}X
C F_{C0} (c/a)F_{A0}X F_C = F_{C0} +(c/a)F_{A0}X
D F_{D0} (d/a)F_{A0}X F_D = F_{D0} +(d/a)F_{A0}X
I F_{I0} 0 F_I = F_{I0}
Total \mathbf{F_{T0}} \mathbf{F_T = F_{T0} + \delta F_{A0}X}
  • \delta = +\frac{d}{a}+\frac{c}{a}-\frac{b}{a}-1

  • \Theta_{i0}= F_{i0}/F_{A0} = C_{i0}/C_{A0}.

  • C_B = C_{A0}(\Theta_B-(b/a)X)

    For liquid phase systems (\upsilon = \upsilon_0)

Flow reactor with variable volumetric flow rate

  • Equation for volumetric flow rate \upsilon = \upsilon_0 (1 + \epsilon X) \left( \frac{P_0}{P} \right) \left( \frac{T}{T_0} \right)

  • Molar flow rate F_j = F_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)

  • Concentration (C_j = F_j /\upsilon)

    C_j = \frac{F_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {\upsilon_0 (1 + \epsilon X) \left( \frac{P_0}{P} \right) \left( \frac{T}{T_0} \right) }

  • Stoichiometric coefficient (\nu_j)

\ce{ A + \frac{b}{a} B -> \frac{c}{a} C + \frac{d}{a} D}

  • -ve for reactant

    \nu_A = -1; \nu_B = -b/a

  • +ve for products

    \nu_C = c/a; \nu_D = d/a

C_j = \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right) \left( \frac{T_0}{T} \right)

Design structure for isothemal reactors

Use algorithm rather than memorizing equations


  1. Mole balance

    F_{A0} - F_A + \int^V r_A dV = \frac{dN_A}{dt}

  2. Rate law

    If -r_A is given as f(X) \rightarrow directly solve the design equations

  3. Stoichiometry

    If -r_A = g(C) \rightarrow use stoichiometry to write -r_A = f(X)

  4. Combine

    Gather all equations to obtain a system of equations that must be solved.

  5. Evaluate

    The system of equation scan be solved analytically, graphically, numerically, or using software


Fogler, H. Scott. 2016. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Fifth edition

Batch reactor

First order reaction \quad \ce{A -> B}

  1. Mole balance

    N_{A0} \frac{dX_A}{dt} = -r_A V

  2. Rate law

    -r_A = kC_A

  3. Stoichiometry

    C_A = C_{A0}(1-X_A)

  4. Combine

    N_{A0} \frac{dX_A}{dt} = k C_{A0} (1 - X_A) V

  5. Evaluate

    For constant batch volume V = V_0 solve

    N_{A0} \frac{dX_A}{dt} = k C_{A0} (1 - X_A) V_0

Batch reactor

First order reaction \quad \ce{A -> B}

N_{A0} \frac{dX_A}{dt} = k C_{A0} (1 - X_A) V_0

\frac{dX_A}{dt} = k C_{A0} (1 - X_A) \frac{V_0}{N_{A0}}

\frac{dX_A}{dt} = k \cancel{C_{A0}} (1 - X_A) \frac{1}{\cancel{C_{A0}}}

\frac{dX_A}{dt} = k (1 - X_A)

\frac{1}{k}\frac{dX_A}{(1 - X_A)} = dt

Integrate: \frac{1}{k} \int_0^X \frac{dX_A}{(1 - X_A)} = \int_0^t dt

Integrate: \frac{1}{k} \int_0^X \frac{dX_A}{(1 - X_A)} = \int_0^t dt

\frac{1}{k} \left[ - \ln (1 - X_A) \right]_0^{X} = t - 0

\frac{1}{k} \left[ (- \ln (1 - X)) - (- \cancel{\ln (1 - 0)} ) \right] = t

\frac{1}{k} \ln \left( \frac{1}{1 - X} \right) = t ; \quad -ln(a) = \ln \frac{1}{a}

\frac{1}{k} \ln \frac{1}{(1 - X_A)} = t

Batch reactor

  • Usually we are interested in calculating batch reaction time for a given X or X for a given batch time

  • Batch cycle time: time between batches

  • Batch reaction time (t_R) is just one component in batch cycle time

    Activity Time (h)
    1 Charge feed t_f 0.5 - 2
    2 Heat to reaction temperature t_e 0.5 - 2
    3 Reaction t_R varies
    4 Empty and clean reactor t_c 1.5 - 3
    Total (2.5h - 7h) + t_R

Activity: Batch time for second order reaction

Using the algorithm, derive equation for batch time as a function of conversion for a second order reaction -r_A = k_2 C_A^2

Batch reactor summary

First-Order Second-Order
Mole Balance \frac{dX}{dt_R} = \frac{-r_A V}{N_{A0}}
Rate Law -r_A = k_1 C_A -r_A = k_2 C_A^2
Stoichiometry C_A = \frac{N_A}{V_0} = C_{A0}(1 - X)
Combine \frac{dX}{dt_R} = k_1(1 - X) \frac{dX}{dt_R} = k_2 C_{A0}(1 - X)^2
Evaluate t_R = \frac{1}{k_1} \ln\left(\frac{1}{1 - X}\right) t_R = \frac{X}{k_2 C_{A0}(1 - X)}


Liquid phase first order reaction \quad \ce{A -> B}

  1. Mole balance

    V = \frac{F_{A0} X_A}{-r_A}

  2. Rate law

    -r_A = kC_A

  3. Stoichiometry

    C_A = C_{A0}(1-X_A)

  4. Combine: Put F_{A0} in terms of C_{A0}

    V = \frac{\cancel{C_{A0}} \upsilon_0 X_A}{k \cancel{C_{A0}} (1-X_A)}

  5. Evaluate

    V = \frac{\upsilon_0 X}{k (1-X)}

Scale up

  • If one knows the volume of a laboratory or pilot-scale reactor required to achieve X_A, how is this information used to achieve X_A in a larger reactor?

  • For first order irreversible liquid phase reaction

    \text{known: } V_{small} = \frac{\upsilon_0 X_A}{1-X_A}; \quad \text{want: } V_{bigger} = \frac{\upsilon_0 X_A}{1-X_A};

  • Want X_A in the big reactor to be the same as X_A in the small reactor

    • k in the small reactor is the same as k in the bigger reactor
    • \upsilon_0 in the small reactor must be different from \upsilon_0 in the bigger reactor
  • The reactor volume V must be proportional to the volumetric flow rate \upsilon_0

    \underbrace{\frac{V}{\upsilon_0}}_{\color{RoyalBlue}{\text{variables that vary}}} = \underbrace{\frac{X_A}{k (1 - X_A)}}_{\color{RoyalBlue}{\text{variables that are constant}}}

Scale up

\tau = \frac{V}{\upsilon_0} = \frac{X_A}{k (1 - X_A)}

  • So if you know the spacetime \tau required to get a conversion of X_A in a CSTR, you can use that to achieve the same X_A in a different size CSTR

  • What \tau is required to achieve a specific X_A?

    \tau = \frac{X_A}{k (1 - X_A)} \Rightarrow \tau k = X_A (1 + \tau k)

  • X_A = \frac{\tau k}{1 + \tau k}

    CSTR relationship between \tau and X_A for first order liquid-phase reaction (isothermal and \upsilon = \upsilon_0)

Damköhler number

Da = \frac{-r_{A0}V}{F_{A0}} = \frac{\text{reaction rate at entrance}}{\text{entering flow rate of A}} = \frac{\text{reaction rate}}{\text{conection rate}}

  • Estimates the degree of conversion that can be obtained in a flow reactor

  • First order irreversible reaction

    Da = \frac{-r_{A0}V}{F_{A0}} = \frac{ k C_{A0} V}{C_{A0}\upsilon_0} = \frac{kV}{\upsilon_0} = k \tau

  • Second order irreversible reaction

    Da = \frac{-r_{A0}V}{F_{A0}} = \frac{ k C_{A0}^2 V}{C_{A0}\upsilon_0} = \frac{k C_{A0} V}{\upsilon_0} = k C_{A0} \tau

  • Relationship between Da and X_A for first order liquid-phase reaction

    X_A = \frac{Da_1}{1 + Da_1}

Damköhler number

  • Da gives a quick estimate of degree of conversion tha can be obtained in a continuous flow reactor

    For first order irreversible reaction X_A = \frac{Da_1}{1 + Da_1}

  • Da < 0.1

    X_A = \frac{Da_1}{1 + Da_1} = \frac{0.1}{1 + 0.1} = 0.091

  • Da > 10

    X_A = \frac{Da_1}{1 + Da_1} = \frac{10}{1 + 10} = 0.91

\text{If } Da < 0.1 \text{ then } X_A < 0.1 \\ \text{If } Da > 10 \text{ then } X_A > 0.9


Liquid phase second order reaction

  1. Mole balance

    V = \frac{F_{A0} X_A}{-r_A}

  2. Rate law

    -r_A = kC_A^2

  3. Stoichiometry

    C_A = C_{A0}(1-X_A)

  4. Combine: Put F_{A0} in terms of C_{A0}

    V = \frac{C_{A0} \upsilon_0 X_A}{k C_{A0}^2 (1-X_A)^2}

  5. Evaluate

    \tau = \frac{X}{k C_{A0}(1-X)^2}; \quad X_A=\frac{(1 + 2 \tau k C_{A0}) - \sqrt{1 + 4 \tau k C_{A0}}}{2 \tau k C_{A0}}

    X_A=\frac{(1 + 2 Da_2) - \sqrt{1 + 4 Da_2}}{2 Da_2}; \quad Da_2 = \tau k C_{A0}

CSTRs in series

  • A first order reaction is carried out isothermally using 2 CSTRs that are the same size, and \upsilon and k are the same in both reactors (\tau_1 = \tau_2 = \tau; k_1 = k_2 = k).

  • Effluent of reactor 1 is input for reactor 2, no change in \upsilon

  • For the first CSTR, C_{A1} = \frac{C_{A0}}{1 + \tau k} = k

  • For second CSTR apply the algorithm

Activity: Exit concentration for CSTR in series

Using the algorithm, obtain C_{A2} in terms of C_{A0} and Da

CSTRs in series

  • For n identical CSTRs

    C_{An} = \frac{C_{A0}}{(1 + \tau k)^n}

  • Rate of disappearance in the n^{th} reactor

    -r_{An} = k C_{An} = \frac{k C_{A0}}{(1 + \tau k)^n}

    \therefore \cancel{k} \cancel{C_{A0}}(1 - X_{An}) = \frac{\cancel{k} \cancel{C_{A0}}}{(1 + \tau k)^n}

X_{An} = 1 - \frac{1}{(1 + Da)^n}

Conversion will be higher than a single reactor of volume V = n V_i.

CSTRs in parallel

  • Volume of each CSTR

    V_i = \frac{V}{n} = \frac{\text{total volume of all CSTRs}}{\text{no. of CSTRs}}

  • Molar flow rate of each CSTR F_{A0,i} = \frac{F_{A0}}{n} = \frac{\text{total molar flow rate}}{\text{no. of CSTRs}}

  • Mole balance

    V_i = F_{A0,i} \left( \frac{X_{Ai}}{-r_{Ai}}\right)

  • Same T, V, \upsilon

    \begin{align*} F_{A0,1} & = F_{A0,2} = \cdots = F_{A0,n} \\ \therefore X_{A1} & = X_{A2} = \cdots = X_{A} \\ \therefore -r_{A1} & = -r_{A2} = \cdots = -r_{A} \end{align*}

\frac{V}{\cancel{n}} = \frac{F_{A0}}{\cancel{n}} \left( \frac{X_{Ai}}{-r_{Ai}}\right); V = F_{A0} \left( \frac{X_{A}}{-r_{A}}\right)

Conversion achieved by any one of the reactors in parallel is the same as if all the reactant were fed into one big reactor of volume V

Liquid phase reaction in PFR

First order reaction

  1. Mole balance

    \frac{dX_A}{dV} = \frac{-r_A}{F_{A0}}

  2. Rate law

    -r_A = kC_A

  3. Stoichiometry

    C_A = C_{A0}(1-X_A)

  4. Combine: Put F_{A0} in terms of C_{A0}

    \frac{dX}{dV} = \frac{k C_{A0} (1 - X_A)}{C_{A0} \upsilon_0}

  5. Evaluate

    \frac{\upsilon_0}{k} \int_0^X \frac{dX_A}{(1 - X_A)} = \int_0^V dV ;\quad V = \frac{\upsilon_0}{k} \ln \left( \frac{1}{1 - X} \right)


Derive equation for conversion in a liquid phase PFR for second order reaction

Isobaric, isothermal, ideal reactions in tubular reactors

  • Gas-phase reactions are usually carried out in tubular reactors (PFRs & PBRs)

    • Plug flow: no radial variations in concentration, temperature, & ∴ -r_A
    • No stirring element \Rightarrow flow must be turbulent
  • Gas phase

C_j = \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \underset{\color{red}{1}}{\cancel{\left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right)}} \underset{\color{red}{1}}{\cancel{\left( \frac{T_0}{T} \right)}} \underset{\color{red}{1}}{\cancel{\left( \frac{Z_0}{Z} \right)}}

C_j = \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)}

Isobaric, isothermal, ideal reactions in PFR

Second order reaction

  1. Mole balance

    \frac{dX_A}{dV} = \frac{-r_A}{F_{A0}}

  2. Rate law

    -r_A = kC_A^2

  3. Stoichiometry C_A = \frac{C_{A0} (1 - X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)}

  4. Combine: Put F_{A0} in terms of C_{A0}

    \frac{dX}{dV} = \frac{k C_{A0}^2 (1 - X_A)^2}{(1 + \epsilon X)^2 C_{A0} \upsilon_0}

  5. Evaluate

    V = \frac{\upsilon_0}{k C_{A0}} \int_0^X \frac{(1 + \epsilon X)^2 }{(1 - X_A)^2} dX_A

\int_0^X \frac{(1 + \epsilon x)^2}{(1 - x)^2} dx = 2\epsilon (1 + \epsilon) \ln(1 - X) + \\ \frac{\epsilon X + (1 + \epsilon)^2 X^2}{1 - X}

  • Evaluating integral using sympy
from sympy import symbols, integrate, pprint

# Define the symbols
epsilon, x = symbols('epsilon x', real=True)
X = symbols('X', real=True, positive=True)

integ = (1 + epsilon * x)**2 / (1 - x)**2
integ_result = integrate(integ,(x))

 2                              ε  + 2⋅ε + 1
ε ⋅x + 2⋅ε⋅(ε + 1)⋅log(x - 1) - ────────────
                                   x - 1    

V = \frac{\upsilon_0}{k (C_{A0})} [ 2\epsilon(1 + \epsilon) \ln(1 - X_A) + \\ \epsilon^2 X_A + \frac{(1 + \epsilon)^2 X_A^2}{1 - X_A} ]

Effect of \epsilon on \upsilon and X_A

\epsilon = \frac{N_{Tf} - N_{T0}}{N_{T0}} = \frac{\text{Change in total moles at } X_A = 1}{\text{total moles fed}}

  • \epsilon: expansion factor- fraction of change in V per mole A reacted

  • \epsilon = 0: \upsilon = \upsilon_0: Constant volumetric flow rate as X_A increases

  • \epsilon < 0: \upsilon < \upsilon_0: volumetric flow rate decreases as X_A increases

    • Longer residence time than when \upsilon = \upsilon_0
    • Higher conversion per volume of reactor (weight of catalyst) than if \upsilon = \upsilon_0
  • \epsilon > 0: \upsilon > \upsilon_0: volumetric flow rate increases as X_A increases

    • Shorter residence time than when \upsilon = \upsilon_0
    • Lower conversion per volume of reactor (weight of catalyst) than if \upsilon = \upsilon_0

Pressure drop in tubular reactors

  • Gas phase

    C_j = \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right) \left( \frac{T_0}{T} \right)

  • Concentration is a function of P so pressure drop is important in gas phase reactions

  • First order reaction

    -r'_A = k \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_j + \nu_j X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \left( \frac{\color{red}{P}}{P_0} \right) \left( \frac{T_0}{T} \right)

    If P drops during the reaction, P/P_0 is less than one, so C_A ↓ & the reaction rate ↓

  • Use the differential forms of the design equations to address pressure drop

Pressure drops are especially common in reactions run in PBRs

Isothermal reactions in PBR with pressure drop

Second order reaction

  1. Mole balance

    \frac{dX_A}{dW} = \frac{-r'_A}{F_{A0}}

  2. Rate law

    -r'_A = kC_A^2

  3. Stoichiometry C_A = \frac{C_{A0} (1 - X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right)

  4. Combine: Put F_{A0} in terms of C_{A0}

    \frac{dX}{dW} = \frac{k C_{A0}^2 (1 - X_A)^2}{(1 + \epsilon X)^2 C_{A0} \upsilon_0} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right)^2

  5. Evaluate

    \frac{dX}{dW} = \frac{k C_{A0}}{\upsilon_0} \frac{(1 - X_A)^2}{(1 + \epsilon X)^2} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right)^2

Isothermal reactions in PBR with pressure drop

Second order reaction

  • Evaluate

    \frac{dX}{dW} = \frac{k C_{A0}}{\upsilon_0} \frac{(1 - X_A)^2}{(1 + \epsilon X)^2} \underbrace{\left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right)^2}_{\text{Need to relate } P/P_0 \text{ to } W}

  • This equation needs to be solved simultaneously with an equation that describes how the pressure drops as the reactant moves down the reactor

  • Ergun equation

    \frac{d P}{d z}=-\frac{G}{\rho g_{\mathrm{c}} D_{\mathrm{P}}}\left(\frac{1-\phi}{\phi^3}\right) \left[\frac{150(1-\phi) \mu}{D_{\mathrm{P}}} + 1.75 G \right]

    For single reactions: \frac{dp}{dW} = -\frac{\alpha}{2p} \left( \frac{T}{T_0} \right) (1 + \epsilon X_A)

    where, p=\frac{P}{P_0}

Pressure drop for single reactions

Analytical solution

\frac{dp}{dW} = -\frac{\alpha}{2p} \left( \frac{T}{T_0} \right) (1 + \epsilon X_A)

  • If \epsilon = 0 \ or \ 1 \gg \epsilon, and for isothermal operations

\frac{dp}{dW} = -\frac{\alpha}{2p} \Rightarrow \frac{2pdp}{dW} = -\alpha \color{red}{ \Rightarrow } \frac{dp^2}{dW} = -\alpha

  • Intgrating wtih p = 1 (P = P_0) \ at \ W =0 yields

p^2 = (1 - \alpha W) \quad ; \quad p = \frac{P}{P_0} = (1 - \alpha W)^{1/2}

Do not use this equation if \epsilon \neq 0 or if the reaction is not carried out isothermally

Isothermal reactor design: molar flow rates

  • In many instances it is easier to work with molar flow rates/ no. of moles than conversion

    • Reactors with external mass transfer (such as membrane reactors)
    • Multiple reactions in gas phase
  • We must write a mole balance for each and every species as opposed to just one species

  • Usually this leads to a system of (simultaneous or) ordinary differential equations

  • Solve the combined set of equations using ODE solver (such as scipy.integrate.solve_ivp)

Isothermal reactions in PBR: molar flow rates

Second order reaction \ce{aA + bB -> cC + dD}

  1. Mole balance: Write balance for each species i = 1 \ to \ N

    \frac{dF_i}{dW} = r'_i

  2. Rate law

    -r'_A = kC_A^\alpha C_B^\beta; \qquad \frac{r'_A}{-a} = \frac{r'_B}{-b} = \frac{r'_C}{c} = \frac{r'_D}{d}

  3. Stoichiometry C_i = \frac{C_{A0} (\Theta_i + \nu_i X)} {(1 + \epsilon X)} \left( \frac{P}{P_0} \right) \left( \frac{T_0}{T} \right)

    Pressure: \frac{dP}{dW} = -\frac{\alpha}{2p} \left( \frac{T}{T_0} \right) \frac{F_T}{F_{T0}}

    Total molar flow rate: F_T = \sum_{i=1}^N F_i

  4. Combine:

    Collate all equations from steps 1 to 3 to yield a system of equations

  5. Evaluate:

    Use ODE solver to solve the system of equations obtained in step 4.